Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Work Less, Do More

I loved the article on Julie's blog, "How to be Productive: Stop Working". Most overworked employees will have a harder time focusing on the tasks they need to accomplish. They may also resent the employer for not allowing them to have a good work life balance, which could increase turnover. From my own experience, I know that I work better with breaks to rest my mind. The use of technology can allow employees to be more productive within the hours they are working. Both employers and employees should look for ways to increase job task efficiency through technology and other means. Someone commented on this article that this is just an excuse for slackers to goof off. To him I say, humans were not built to sit in front of a computer for 60+ hours a week for the majority of their lives. The brain needs to re-charge. I agree with the article that employees should be encouraged to take a walk on their lunch break. My company offers yoga sessions during lunch once a week and encourages employees on our intranet site to be active during the work day such as walking at lunch or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

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