Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Success Factors

Success Factors has many useful tools to make HR and employees lives easier. I like that employees and managers can add notes on performance during the year in the system, so they will have the information at the end of the year to write self evaluations and reviews. The SMART goal tool will be useful for employees and managers who are unsure how to write proper, measurable goals. The tools/training on the performance management process would be helpful for employees. We have tools like this on our company intranet site, but it does require employees to go to another place to find the information. It would be nice if it was located in the system where they are actually completing goals and reviews. The calibration tool is useful for managers to see where employee pay is at compared to others based on performance and potential. Sometimes the manager just needs to be able to see the big picture laid out. The career worksheet is great for employees to be able to put a plan in place to get to the job they want. They can see who is currently in that role and set goals for themselves to gain skills for that position. The succession org chart is another great tool to see who may be high risk for leaving the company and who could replace them in what time frame. If there is no one in place to fill their position if they leave, a talent search can be run to see who is closest to being a successor for that role. The "badges" for recognition are awesome. I like how they show up on the employees profile for others to publicly view. At my company we currently have a "You Rock" recognition program where anyone can send any other employee an e-card and it cc's their manager. The Success Factors tool is better due to the public recognition aspect. The ATS helps manage interview feedback and provides behavioral questions to ask in the interview. Interviewers can rate candidates on the set benchmarks or give a thumbs up/down for the recruiter to access. I can see how this would save a lot of time for the recruiter having to contact everyone for feedback individually or set up a group meeting. I still like the look of Workday better, but I would probably choose Success Factors because they have everything you need in one place. Enterprise is a client and my boyfriend works for them, so I will have to ask him if he has used his employee profile.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren! Be sure to check out Ultimate Software's UltiPro during your evaluations of HR solutions.
