Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Accurate HR Data

Many of the demos we have seen in the last few weeks highlight that managers can enter information in the system for their own employees. For example, the manager could enter a promotion into the system so HR wouldn't have to. I don't see how well that would work for my company because we have tried very hard over the years to maintain accurate data and it seems that it would be difficult to ensure accuracy if all managers could update the data on their own. One solution could be that managers update the data, but HR has to approve it before it is actually changed in the system. HR would still have to enter new hire data into the system because managers shouldn't have access to their employees' personal information (marital status, ssn, birth date, etc.). HR would also have to make sure that employees were termed in the system and the correct term reason was entered because some managers would leave all employees active forever. Many of our manager's need quite a bit of hand holding, so we would probably have to hold frequent training sessions on the system. We would likely end up walking them through step by step and might as well do it ourselves.

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