Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Class Reflections

This truly has been my most enjoyable class in the HR certificate program because I feel it has provided me with practical tools that I can actually put into place to increase efficiencies. I was skeptical about Twitter at first, but I actually do like it in the class setting to be able to communicate with others in an open forum. It would work well for project teams at work as well. Before this class, I was familar with some ATS and onboarding systems, but it was great to see the variety that is available. I will now be much better prepared to ask questions of a potential vendor for this kind of software. If I work at a smaller company in the future, I would definitely recommend Zoho Recruiter to them. The wiki google sites are also a great tool to use for onboarding if there is no budget for fancy software. I told my boss about this and she is interested in looking into creating one for new hires at our company. Jun- Would you be willing to share your site for my boss to preview? I enjoyed learning how to create Google forms. That will be a great easy way to quickly collect data if I need to. I am glad to have more HR technology knowledge since most people think HR workers are very non-technical. Thanks Jun for sharing all of this information!

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